Mechanical and Thermal Preprocessing
Guest Speaker
Prof. Dr. Marc-Olivier Coppens
Title: Sustainable Process Systems
through Nature-Inspired
Chemical Engineering
Guest Speaker
Title: High-efficiency hybrid
solar combined heating, cooling
and power systems for
distributed applications
Chemical & Biological Decomposition Processes
Guest Speaker
Title: Microbial upcycling of plastic:
from scenario evaluation to the wet lab
Supply Chain and Sustainability Management
Guest Speaker
Title: Recycling and Recovery
Infrastructure for Composite Materials
– Techno-economic, logistic and
environmental perspectives
SmartProSys Speaker
Prof. Dr. Melanie Jaeger-Erben
Title: Doing better with less –
the role of sufficiency for a
sustainable Circular Economy
Guest Speaker
Title: A Systems Engineering
Framework for the Optimization
of Circular Economy Supply Chains
Circular Society - Research at the Interface of Technology, Societal Support and Individual Appropriation
Guest Speaker
Title: Where, Why, and How Psychology
is Relevant in Circular Economy
– Some Reflections Based on
Large Interdisciplinary Projects
Guest Speaker
Title: Grown Up Overnight -
What We Learn from Narratives
about the Circular Bio-Economy
Chemical & Biological (Re-)Synthesis
Guest Speaker
Title: (Bio)Chemical Process
Development aided by Robotics
and Machine Learning
Systems Engineering and Computational Methods
Guest Speaker
Title: Recent Advances in
Computational Methods for the
Discrete and Continuous Optimization
of Energy Systems
Guest Speaker
Title: Quantum Computing and
Deep Learning for Process
Systems Optimization and
Data Analytics
Panel Discussion "Future of Sustainable Chemistry"